Friday, December 16, 2011


So, I realise that one of the biggest taboos around today is racism. But seriously, I don't see any taboo in it.

The concept of racial distinction is absurd hogwash. Humans are humans, the difference in skin pigment and physical traits are just a result of natural selection, why make a big deal out of it? I mean c'mon, with working out, or tanning people can look just like any other race. People who say "Hey look, don't discriminate other races, learn to accept our differences." are, in my opinion, actually racists(not in the actual sense of the word of course, they don't discriminate). Intentionally treating minority races better is just as bad as discrimination.

Firstly, rather than "accepting differences", why not understand that this differences are meaningless? We should be teaching our children to be "colour blind" instead. It is because of the consciousness of racial distinction that there will always be racism.

Secondly, racist jokes are funny. Yes, they are racist, so what? The whole notion of racial distinction is ridiculous, we should just have a laugh at it. It's like laughing at the concept of religion. We are just making fun out of something ridiculous, we are not genuinely racist, in fact I believe many people who crack racist jokes are open minded and accept other races. You can make fun of my race, I really don't care. Ching ching chong chong? Pronouncing "l" as "r"? Tiny eyes? Yeah, these seem to be some general observable traits, laugh at them all you want.

I believe we shouldn't be advocating black presidents over white presidents, in the end, it's his/her policies that matter. So why does it matter if the president is Obama? It shows social evolution in the electorate, so what? Such notions shouldn't exist in the first place. In fact, the Cherokees should have retained their land and have had a president in the past, I mean it's their fucking continent.

And I would like to clarify, while I think those that advocate racial harmony are racist, they are still better than rednecks, as they stand for an equality that should have existed in the first place, they are gradual reformists.

I want our next generation to be colour blind and not racially tolerant. I want them to not be able to understand racist jokes. I believe this is achievable through an efficient education system.

1 comment:

  1. There are many ways of thinking about this, and sadly the world is exceptionally short of thinkers such as yourself. The way I see it, is that one golden rule, "Treat others as you wish to be treated" is severely under used. You see, I feel that this rule is made for this issue.
